Tips for a Stress-Free Home Building Process and What NOT To Do

Everyone has heard of the war stories that surround the home building process. “The builder doesn’t listen to me.” “The builder didn’t tell me about (fill in the blank).” “I don’t think this builder is ever going to finish my home!” And the list goes on… Is it possible to build your new home without all of the unnecessary stress? YES!!! VolBuild, LLC has the proven experience to take you from blueprints to the certificate of occupancy – without the associated headaches that many builders with less experience bring to the job. Have a Plan Having a plan sounds simple,…

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Home Construction Loans: 4 Facts You May Not Be Aware of

Building a new home is exciting. Obtaining the loan is not. But unless you have sufficient funds in the bank to have your home built out of pocket, you will need to obtain a loan. While the process doesn’t have to be overly complicated, there are some things you should know going into the process that will make it less stressful. The first question is: Can you get a loan to build a house? The answer is yes, and here are 4 things to consider before starting the process. What is a home construction loan? A home construction loan can…

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Top 5 Items to Consider When Building a New House

Building a new home is a huge undertaking and for many, it will be the biggest project they ever tackle. There are hundreds of things to be considered before you can move in and the task can be overwhelming. Here’s a list of 5 items that need to be weighed before moving forward. 1. Make…

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